Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga

Unlimited healing, siddhis, self-realization

Archive for control

emotional turmoil

My mom tried to play the guilt card. She tried to rope me into going home by listing out all the sacrifices she made for me. She ended the call all choked up in tears and could barely get off the phone without wailing in tears (which I’m sure she is doing right now).

I like how she tries to paint a picture of me as the ungrateful son. I really have cooked up a serious negative weight here. Just how bad do you want to know your Eternal self over the conditional good feelings that the one who birthed you can give you?

You spent your first 9 months in a flesh body with her voice and mind controlling your development. Then 18 years of further control. And now the various games continue… unless you go ahead and give in. And start to hypnotize yourself with her slogans — parental respect, be a good person, etc.

Now, the fundamental question she never could answer: who am I? who are you? What do you mean YOU helped ME? Dont you realize that is not even possible? There is no you!!!